“I love Jake’s fearless, hot heart for God.” – Dr. Mark Dance, Lifeway Pastors
“I’ve known Jake for many years, and his wisdom has always surpassed his years.” – Ken Reed, Seventh Day Slumber
“Presented complex truth in a unique and memorable way. I’ve not stopped thinking and talking about the things I’ve learned. Get this man in front of your group!!” – Becky Russell, member Bayou Meto Baptist Church, hosted revival
“Jake’s prophetic and loving voice is exactly the wake-up call the church needs today.” – Dr. Joseph Bentz, Azusa Pacific University
As pastor, you know the setting that is the most effective for your congregation. We want to work alongside you, in a way that has the greatest impact in your church, so we want to be flexible and creative to find the right setting. With that said, we have found that more sessions equals greater understanding. One of the issues in end-time prophecy understanding in America is that many have not had a concentrated, cohesive study of it. Traditional multi-day revivals have proved to be the most effective for us.
Yes, it’s true that many churches are moving away from traditional revivals, but Jake McCandless’ unique blend of applicable preaching and prophecy teaching has been bringing a fire and results to a dying tradition. Congregations have been refocused and revived. The revival setting enhances two of our major goals. The first being a concentrated and connected teaching of end-time events. This goal can be also achieved in multiple day seminars, but the revival format greatly enhances a second goal which is end-time prophecy teaching should captivate the heart not just fill the head.
In revivals, through prayer Jake will present a sequence of messages that creates a continual flow through the end-time narrative, but also motivates your congregation to be all God has called them to be. Messages will be adaptations from the one-day conferences below and other geared especially for your congregation. We believe your pastoral vision for the church is God’s plan for your congregation. We want to connect your church to that God-given vision.
Another effective setting for Prophecy Simplified has been one-day conferences on Sundays. Utilizing the existing Sunday morning and Sunday night worship services, Jake presents his unique blend of powerful, applicable preaching and simplified prophecy teaching. This setting again enhances the captivating of the heart rather than just providing facts. One-day Sunday conferences easily into almost all church schedules. We believe creating events within existing church activities allows the message to reach those who normally would not attend a prophecy conference. In our first year and a half of Prophecy Simplified we have done 45 one-day conferences. We have seen tremendous crowds return on Sunday night.
The heart-beat of Prophecy Simplified is connecting with the local church through these One-Day Conferences. Therefore, we had designed our material in two-parts. The morning session introduces the subject while the evening session dives deeper into the subject and provides the complete Scriptural foundation. It has been amazing to see “lights” come on in the second session.
The One-Day Conferences are provided below. They parallel the sequence of events in the end-time timeline. So they work great in a series of one-day conferences or particular subjects may fit better with your congregation.
Be a Spiritual Prepper
This live event conference is the companion to the book Spiritual Prepper. Session 1 presents an overview of the prophetic timeline and calls the congregation to be faithful in light of the eternity to come. Session 2 presents the challenges we face now and will face in the “birth pains.”
You Are Here
This live event conference presents three clear pieces of Scriptural evidence to our current location in the prophetic timeline. Like the little blue dot on your phone’s GPS map, this bold biblical evidence points to where we are today.
A Liar is Coming
This live event conference looks at the possible role of Islam in the end of the age. Session 1 shares the Scriptural truth of the deception that will be employed by the Antichrist and False Prophet which bridges into how that Islamic eschatology mirrors Christianity. A trap has been set. Session 2 provides the biblical evidence of the origin and empire of the Antichrist.
Many More Lies Will Come
In the live event conference “A Liar is Coming” evidence is provided to the potential that Islam provides much of the deception that will accompany the Antichrist. But Islam is not the only deception that has been set. Other lies will pave the way for the Antichrist. Session 1 examines some of these other possible “traps” and ends with a narrative telling of the role of the supernatural element of the end of the age. Session 2 provides a deeper look into the supernatural world that was in the Days of Noah.
America: The Thinnest End-TImes Ice
This live event conference looks at one of the major questions asked about end-time prophecy—where is America? Session 1 provides the possible biblical references of America at the end of the age and concludes with what those references mean to our nation. Session 2 explores how we should live out the last days in America.
The Rest of the Gospel
This live event conference looks at the part of the Gospel we neglect—Heaven. Session 1 follows the emphasis of the coming kingdom of God and provides joyous details of the future we will enjoy. Session 2 looks at how the covenants made to Israel will be fulfilled in this coming kingdom.
The Good, Bad, and Ugly of the Last Days
This live event conference looks at the events that will happen now and into the middle of the tribulation. It is not all doom and gloom because at the same time the world is at its worse the Gospel will reach the ends of the earth. Session 1 provides the three scriptural sources of information regarding the time until the end. Session 2 looks at the full narrative of how these events will unfold.
With our pastoral experience we focus on connecting our live teaching events to what works best for your church’s culture, but as the pastor charged with the biblical education of your congregation, you may see the need for a concentrated multi-session study of the end-times material. We have designed seminars to be done over 2-3 days. These systematically walk through the Scriptural material.
Connecting the End-Times Puzzle
This live 5-6 session seminar helps your congregation capture the “big picture”. Each session slowly breaks down the end-times timeline.
Common Threads that Explain the End-Times
This live 5-6 session seminar helps your congregation go beyond the facts of the end of the age, and to the themes and motives behind each event.
Pastor you wear many hats, and are maxed out. Investing the time to confidently preach and teach through end-times prophecy is extremely taxing. Just picking up one book or commentary on the subject is not good enough, and in some cases can be dangerous. What if you had an “Educational Minister for Prophecy” that could thoroughly research and study the subject and provide the trusted teaching needed within your church? You can! For the cost that you would spend on just ONE event, you can receive a year of end-time prophecy teaching for your church. Along with training in the subject for you and a designated “watchman” in your church.
Learn more about this innovative approach and prepare your church for what lies ahead.Learn more here!