Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son -Isaiah 7:14
When God speaks, we must listen, no matter the circumstance.
Stranded with my church group on a dirt road in Togo, Africa, my head pounded from the smoke of burning feilds. Locals flocked around us to watch our bunch of white men try to repair a tire without any parts.
Five months before this moment my mind was not on Africa, but was on our baby due March 6th. We were very excited.
I had such relief hearing the heartbeat at 13 weeks. With one baby already in heaven, I knew God would not take this one too. Following that appointment, I met a friend for a movie at the IMAX. I left dizzy and sick to my stomach, I assumed the symptoms were from the 3D movie and vertigo.
Two days later I was balled-up on the floor with stomach cramps.
Another child was gone and my heart was in pieces. This goodbye was more difficult than the first.
We now have two babies in heaven. We named our first, Michael Corban (a gift dedicated to God) and the second Talitha Grace (little girl of grace). Naming our babies gave us closure, even if we truly didn’t know if they were a boy or girl.
My solace, then and now, is knowing the first face my babies saw was the face of God.
And now here I stand five months later across the globe, broke down on the side of the road. The medication I took for my headache had soothed the pain.
Still on that roadside, the Spirit impressed upon my heart—Go witness to the locals. I dragged myself out of the van. As my eyes adjusted to the dark I looked to my left, grass huts. In front of me, I saw a few of my fellow missionaries and local tribesmen examining the tire.
I admired how the locals wore western attire. Very clean and crisp. I wondered how they kept everything so nice amidst all the dirt. To my right, another group of men joined the midnight party.
In my heart I heard, “Go speak with those men, now.”
I grabbed my husband’s hand, “Let’s go. God gave us these men to witness to.”
The locals were very happy to meet us.
A few of them understood English. We shared the Good news of Jesus Christ.
I sensed that they understood but I wanted to make sure. We asked Pastor Mike, the local pastor traveling with us, to come explain the gospel in their native language (Ewe and French).
As he explained the free gift of eternal life a few men stepped back. I found out later that Pastor Mike asked them to walk away if they did not want to make a decision for Christ. He said, “This is a very important decision; do not do it if you are not committed.”
Five men stayed and accepted Christ as Savior. Hallelujah! As we were praying the Lord reminded me of the Sunday morning before we left for Africa. I stood in the front of the Church devastated, missing my child crying out, “Lord if I never have my own child, please give me babes in Christ when I go to Africa. I only want to serve you Lord”
As I stood there, on that dirt road in Africa, holding my husband’s hand, tears streaming down my face. The Lord spoke to my heart and said, “These are your babes in Christ.”
The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, I listened, and I was able to be part of changing eternity for five men.
The Virgin Mary and Joseph listened to the Angel of God. Gabriel proclaimed that she will give birth. Mary replied, “How will this be since I am a virgin?” Gabriel says, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.”
Later the angel encouraged Joseph to not fear marrying Mary with these words: “What is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.”
Joseph had every right to divorce Mary. In fact, Mary would have been stoned to death for infidelity—but Joseph chose to listen to God’s messenger and married Mary.
They both listened and took part in the greatest event known to mankind. The birth of the Savior of the World.
Aren’t you so glad they listened and obeyed even with unimaginable circumstances?
I know I am so glad I obeyed God and stepped out of that van in Africa.
I am so thankful God allowed me to be obedient and take that mission trip even after facing such pain in my life.
Have you listened to the Spirits prompting in the past?
Has God sent a messenger to you with a word that defies your common sense?
Again when God speaks we must listen, no matter the circumstances.
What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it!
A true story, very well written. I’ll never forget that day.